Chit Chat With Daytime Emmy Award Nominated Cover Star Sydney Mikayla of General Hospital

Stepping into adulthood during a new era brought on by sweeping changes is no easy feat. Life is getting back to normal and no matter what, we all cling to the chance to see familiar faces in narratives we get to eagerly follow every season. 

Last year, Sydney Mikayla was nominated for a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Young Performer in a Drama Series on General Hospital. Sydney is poised to become a household name as she broadens her acting portfolio and continues to be a favorite on the long running television series. She is most known and loved for her role of Trina Robinson on General Hospital. She holds a host of other nominations under her belt for awards highlighting her commitment to her craft.

 Sydney Mikayla definitely has more on her plate than the average American teenager. She is dazzling audiences–while on screen and balancing the first semester of college. 

For this issue, Cachet Digital wanted to bring her vibrant personality to the forefront with its latest fashion editorial. Sydney Mikayla’s light hearted smile matches the optimism we all want to tap into as we step into the new year. For her shoot, simple dewy makeup highlighted her skin and the focus was on letting her natural beauty shine with small touches of color.

Our cover girl has spent the majority of her teen years devoted to school and the performing arts. A talented dancer, she has played the role of Gabby Douglas in The Gabby Douglas Story which led to her winning a Young Artist Award for Best Performance in a TV Movie, Miniseries, Special or Pilot – Young Actress 11 and Under.

Despite her lengthy career in entertainment at such a young age, she stills sees a lot of space for her to expand and has a healthy view on dealing with the competitive nature of the industry. Even more poignant are her words of advice and self-reflection on the world of entertainment and how Mikayla keeps grounded.

“I’ve personally experienced highs and lows, but because I love it, I persevere. I try to remind myself that whatever is for me is for me.” – Sydney Mikayla

Wise beyond her years, anyone of any age would be wise to follow her sage advice. In this age of competitiveness and comparison among young adults, it is so key to have role models like Sydney who speak their truth. Whatever is for me is for me. These words ring true and her work ethic and perseverance shows that big things are on the way.

As a high achieving scholar she applies a cheerful outlook and explains that she is “learning to balance school and work and just trying to enjoy life.” Sydney is stunning in person but what really strikes a chord is her ability to be both self-aware and enjoy the moment. 

Cachet Digital interviewed her about family life, her experience on set, voicing for an animated series as well as her journey as an actress.

What role does your family play in supporting you behind the scenes?

My family is hugely supportive. My mom is an actress, so I pretty much just wanted to follow in her footsteps.  I’m not sure if she’s always happy I made that choice because it can be a complicated business, but my parents have been with me every step of the way. 

 My mom is pretty much my coach, driver, assistant, scheduler, voice-over editor, and all-around go-to.  My dad keeps us all level-headed and steps up to the plate whenever I need him. He was my date at NY Fashion Week this year. I really couldn’t do this without them. I’m incredibly grateful that they never pressure me about performing and try to keep me balanced and well-rounded. 

How can young fans perfect their craft at an early age within the entertainment industry?

I don’t know if anyone ever “perfects” the craft, but I think there’s always work you can do. You never stop learning. I would say train as much as possible, spend time around positive people, and try to find creative methods.

What tips do you recommend for combatting self-doubt or a serious case of nerves?

Saying “believe in yourself” sounds a bit cliché, but honestly, I think that’s true. Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. What happens if there’s no one else around you to pump you up or give you that extra bit of encouragement? You’ve got to be able to look into the mirror and say, “Hey, you’ve got this. You can do it!”  Then, just give your best and always try to remember that whatever is for you is for you. 

How did you prepare for your role in General Hospital when you heard you got the role?

I was beyond excited when I found out I got the role of Trina. I didn’t know at the time that another actress had previously played the role, and I’m glad because that might’ve made me more nervous about stepping into the role and making it my own. I made sure to get coached on every script when I started because I wanted to be the best I could and just find my rhythm. One of the things that I did then and continue to try to do is just find elements of myself that I can put into the character to make her feel more natural and authentic.

What do you enjoy most about your experience with filming on set? How did you face any challenges?

I love finding new things about a character or exploring different ways to make it fresh and exciting. I also just love playing off other people, and it’s nice when I get to do scenes with characters that I haven’t interacted with before. The most challenging thing about working on a Soap Opera is the fast pace! 

 It has taught me to be very prepared with my lines and acting choices because sometimes we shoot scenes in one take. I try to learn my lines as far in advance as I can. I’m sure that will be more challenging now since I’m also going to college, but I’m inspired by other working actors who attend school.

What would be the ideal collaboration for you and who within the industry would it involve?

 It would be so cool to be in a Jordan Peele flick. I am so excited for Nope premiering in 2022.

You shot a commercial with the legendary Snoop Dog? Tell us more!

That was a pretty fun experience. He was pleasant, and we shot in this amazing mansion. One of my favorite parts was getting to keep my wardrobe from the shoot! That doesn’t happen very often.

Who would be a dream of yours to work with in a television show or movie?

I would love an opportunity to work with Ava Duvernay, Regina King, and Viola Davis. I already had the honor of working with Ms. Regina King during my time on the Gabby Douglas Story, but I would love to work alongside her in something she could direct. Her work in One Night in Miami was incredible and so imaginative. 

Let’s talk Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts! What is a memorable moment from your experience? How has the process been for you to be part of an animated series?

Looking back on that audition experience, I think it was pretty memorable. I was not feeling great when I first auditioned. I had a cold or something weird happening with my voice, and it made my voice sound deeper and a bit raspy. I’m so grateful that it worked out in my favor. It was such a blessing to be the main character on an animated series! I had no idea when I was recording it how great the show was going to be. I remember my mom would pick me up from school, I would get a quick nap in the car, and head to the recording studio. I am proud of the finished product.

When did you first start acting and how has your journey been as an actor? 

I got into my first acting class when I was about five. I think my first show was The Wiz. I’ve loved performing for as long as I can remember. There is something so exhilarating about performing in front of a live audience, and I think I developed a passion for theatre that I’ll always have. I don’t think most actors would say that their journey has always been fantastic, and I am no different. I’ve personally experienced highs and lows, but because I love it, I persevere. I try to remind myself that whatever is for me is for me. I’m not going to get anyone else’s blessing, and they’re not going to get mine. So why not just cheer each other on?

 Your skin is flawless! How do you maintain your skin? What products do you use?

I never go to bed without washing and moisturizing my face, especially if I’ve worn make-up that day. In general, I don’t wear make-up unless I’m doing something for work—never for class. I also never go out without sunscreen. I wash with Oil of Olay for sensitive skin and I usually cleanse with micellar water at the end of the day.  I moisturize with Vanicream, and I’ve recently discovered Supergoop Play Body Mousse sunscreen, which I like. I also drink a ton of water throughout the day. 

Tell us a little bit about your background in dancing:

I started taking dance classes when I was about 3, but only for a short time. I picked it up many years later and it’s been a wonderful way to express myself and stay in shape. I’ve had the opportunity to take some summer intensives with some great instructors and those were very memorable experiences. I don’t get to dance nearly as much as I’d like, but I’m hoping to continue taking classes as much as possible. Someday I’d love to be on Broadway, so maybe those dance skills will come in handy. 

Recently you made appearances at New York Fashion Week. How was that experience? How would you describe your personal style?

Attending NY Fashion Week was amazing! We decided to go at the last minute because we were already visiting family in Philadelphia. Once my PR team (Katz Public Relations) found out I was going to be in NY, they kicked it into high gear. I got to attend a few great shows, see some fantastic fashion, and wear some amazing pieces myself! It was a whirlwind of high fashion and glamour. Honestly, my style is more casual and laid back (think tracksuit and Air Force Ones), so this was a fun change. 

How did you feel when you received your college acceptance letters? How did you make your final choice? How are you adjusting to college life and still being in the industry?

I was a bit nervous when the letters came, of course. You’re hoping for good news, but you’re not sure what the outcome will be. When I opened the emails and the letters, I was excited to have gotten so many acceptances. Honestly, I think making the final decision was more challenging than applying. I got into all of my top choices, so that made it a tough decision. My family and I weighed the pros and cons of each school. We visited a few, looked at the financial obligations, and prayed about it. So far, I’m getting adjusted pretty well to college life, but learning lines between classes is a challenge. 

Where do you yourself in five years?

Still working, still learning, and enjoying life. I’m learning to live in the moment.

What would you have told your 13-year-old self that you now know?

It’s not about the quantity of friends, it’s about the quality.   

How do you keep a healthy balance in regards to how long and when to use social media?

I like going onto social media just like everyone else, but I also know that sometimes it can be a distraction. When I have something that I know I need to get done (homework, learning lines, etc.), I will delete the apps from my phone. That’s the only way I can avoid picking it up and just taking a peek at this or that. When I decide to give myself a break from working, I grab my mom’s phone and look at hers.  That’s a great way to know that my time on social media will be limited because she never wants me to keep her phone for more than a few minutes at a time. 

What are your tips for young adults wanting to get into the industry?

If you have an opportunity to get some training in whatever area you’re interested in, you should do it. It never hurts to improve your skills, meet new people, and share common interests with like-minded people. I also think it’s great to have other interests outside of the industry. I think having hobbies or just different life experiences will make you a better actor. I think it’s also just good for your mental health to have a life outside of performing. 

Tell us a bit about your family life and daily schedule when you balance school and acting.

I have classes during the week, and I’m also trying to figure out what organizations I’d like to join on campus. I try to get up and work out a few times a week and I’m looking forward to getting back into some dance classes.  After working out, I go to class, grab some food, take a break, do homework, and then prep for my next class. When I’m done with my classes for the day, I go over my lines for work. I also check in with my mom because she helps me keep track of all work-related things.  

If you could pass on one message to your fans what message would that be?

Don’t compare yourself to other people. We all have to run our race and you are the best you. 

What is next on the horizon for you?

To be honest, I’m not exactly sure, and I love that! I’m still working on General Hospital, which is incredible. I’ve just started college, so I’m trying to get acclimated there. I’m learning to balance school and work and just trying to enjoy life. You can still hear me voice the role of Maya on Craig of the Creek and a couple of other projects down the line that I can’t speak about just yet. Stay tuned! I’m taking it day by day and trying to learn to live in the moment.

When not pouring over scripts for her on-going role on General Hospital, Sydney is spending quality time with her friends and family.

You can keep up with everything Sydney Mikayla on her IG @OfficialSydneyMikayla and Twitter @SydneyMikayla.