The brainchild of beauty industry professional Lauren Brown who has previously worked for ASOS and Nails.INC, CREAM is the first of its kind and has already gained praise for its original concept and pioneering approach to the world of digital content creation.

For those of you who are a bit new to the world of entertainment, agencies are founded to represent artists and creators that bring fresh innovative ideas and outlooks to their industry. CREAM Creators is the first agency of its kind, specializing in connecting content creators or influencers with top beauty brands around the world. They showcase influencers with unique and eye-catching images and give them a direct channel to main stage platforms in order to increase exposure and ensure quality pay and quality campaigns.

I am pleased to say that I received the inside scoop on everything CREAM from the founder and boss lady herself Lauren Brown.

CREAM founder Lauren Brown

Brown is also a beauty industry professional who took a leap of faith to build on her existing knowledge of the creative space.

Please tell us a bit about CREAM and what it does in the digital space?

Launched in lockdown 2020, CREAM works to connect leading global beauty brands with the world’s freshest independent content creators, empowering them in their work and to ensure it is properly monetized.

Social media acts as an ever-growing source of inspiration for consumers, and brands rely heavily on creative, relevant and inventive content to keep their followers engaged and to sell their products. CREAM aims to counteract the practice used by countless top brands of gifting products to artists and demanding deliverables in return, by ensuring they are paid fairly for their lucrative work (#noteverydaygifted).

With a roster of the most relevant creators, from editorial makeup artists like Giselle Ali – whose previous clients include Glossier and Pat McGrath – to beauty photographers like Matthew Parisien specializing in screen satisfying imagery, CREAM works to identify and match the right artist to the brand – a usually time consuming and laborious process.

Drawing on a deep understanding of how social media powers the beauty industry, CREAM works with both brand and creator on interpretation and delivery of briefs.

I am sure you get asked this question often but what inspired the creation of CREAM Creators?

Working in house for beauty and fashion brands, really opened my eyes to the way the industry operates and the lack of regulation and disparity. I wanted to counteract the lack of diversity, regulation when it comes to rates and gifting culture through CREAM. I was motivated to no longer be a part of the problem and make a positive impact, whilst at the same time helping creators find work during a pandemic.

Instagram Beauty Influencer and make Up Artist Giselle Ali is on the CREME Agency talent roster.

As the first agency of your kind, how do you build solid connections with brands and content creators?

I built up a lot of connections with creators in my previous roles, who are often people I scouted and offered their first ever paid social work so the foundations have already been laid. I build on these relationships and trust through constant communication, transparency and a two-way dialogue, continuously asking for feedback to ensure I’m offering the best proposition for them. We also use our Instagram to share skills and knowledge with content creators to hopefully better equip them for managing themselves and working with Clients, building a CREAM community.

When it comes to brands I’m working with a lot of new Clients who have never heard of CREAM so it’s important to offer them a bespoke service and go above and beyond from the get go, maintaining professionalism at all times. As my background has been on the brand side, I know the struggles they face so I can anticipate potential issues and address these before they get to the Client.

What are 3 things your agency looks for in potential creative clients?

A strong visual identity/ aesthetic and best in their area

Do their voices need amplifying?

Strong engagement and shareability factor.

CREAM’s Giselle Ali

As a content creator yourself, how do you manage CREAM’s social image along with ensuring your clientele is properly represented?

I wouldn’t consider myself a content creator but I do create all CREAM’s social content and have done a lot of creative direction in the past. I had very basic Photoshop/ In Design skills but have surprised myself with how much I have achieved (with the help of a few YouTube tutorials along the way) and have managed to juggle as a one woman show. I would love to do more social content as it can reach so many people, but I need to also prioritize my creators to make sure I am getting them work and the best possible offers.

What is Creams target audience and how do you ensure your business reaches that said audience?

Our audience is global content creators and we aim to empower and grow a community through sharable, useful and inspirational content.

As a new company still growing and adjusting, what areas of your business do you hope to see expand in the next year? 5 years?

In the next year we aim to grow our Client base outside of beauty and also promote our creative direction/ production services alongside carrying on pushing our creators. As I currently manage everything we have had to be selective about the creators on our roster (there is currently about 10) which means we are at capacity right now, but we hope to grow the team so we can take on new creators!

Giselle Ali

Everyone has their own goals and dreams that they choose to pursue which create different versions of success. How do you define success for yourself and for your agency?

Of course, money is great—but what really motivates me is positive feedback, DMs, comments. Seeing a post shared hundreds of times, paying our creators for their work and being my own boss!

What tools or tricks have you learned as a growing agency that has also been beneficial to you in your personal life?

Good question – I’ve learnt to definitely trust in your instincts, believe in yourself and be confident in your ideas which is something I have struggled with! At the end of the day if you believe in something and are focused on your goals and objectives then nothing else matters. Also to really think of what you’re good at or can do that no one else can/where there is an opportunity to win and play into those strengths. Everyone has a unique perspective to offer and there is room for everyone!

What can we expect from Cream next?

Ramp up of social content, merchandise, editorial/shoots and growth of our team.

More about CREAM

Keep up with everything CREAM on Instagram!

CRÈME’s Mission Statement: The world’s first social content creator agency for beauty/ work with the actual creators behind the references on your moodboard/ #noteverydaygifted

About the interviewer Alexandria Woods

Alexandria Wood is a South Los Angeles native who has brought her radiant edge to the ATL. She is a second year scholar at Spelman College pursuing a career in entertainment activism. At Spelman, her interdisciplinary major focuses on the way BI-POC identities and cultures are represented in the media and how we insert and assert ourselves in our artistic narratives. At Cachet, she is an interview journalist exploring the multifarious components of the entertainment industry, from on set assistance to gaining formidable connections and advice from the professionals she encounters.

Alexandria Woods

As an artist, activist, and writer she enjoys producing, composing, and performing in musical and dance theatre, but her passion lies as a singer/songwriter. On her free time she is an energy healer and herbalist who lives a cruelty-free and plant-based lifestyle.  As she furthers her journey in entertainment make sure to follow her on IG and keep up with her via @thealexandriawoods

Photo Credit: All photos and main photo are of CREAM influencer Giselle Ali unless otherwise noted.